
Blog posts tagged with 'Corning'

Glass Capacitors: AVX / Corning Glass Capacitors. - Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Standard Radio stocks one of the largest inventories of AVX/Corning Glass Capacitors. With well over 240,000 glass capacitors in stock, Standard Radio has the largest inventory of this obsolete series of capacitors.

The way in which a glass capacitor was constructed allowed it to provide the highest level of reliability, stability and predictability. Glass capacitors were constructed using three materials; a glass dielectric and case, aluminum foil electrodes and wire leads. In addition, glass capacitors are constructed so that there are no pressure connections to come loose and no solder connections to melt.

Since AVX/Corning Glass Capacitors offered the highest level of performance and reliability; they are often found in applications where failure is not an option. In fact; military applications, the defense industry and the aerospace industry use glass capacitors in many of their designs. Knowing this, Standard Radio stocks a tremendous inventory of MIL-C-11272 and MIL-PRF-23269 glass capacitors. Such capacitors are found in applications such as:

Satellite Systems Undersea Cable Repeaters  Mountaintop Microwave Relay Stations
Radar Systems Space Defense Systems  High Temperature Circuitry
Jet Engine Monitors Medical Monitoring Circuitry   Missile Systems and Avionic Circuitry

Few materials possess the characteristics of glass. Glass does not corrode or degrade. Glass is not subject to microfractures or delaminations. Hermetically sealed glass capacitors are almost immune to severe environmental effects such as; shock, vibration, radiation, resistance, moisture, salt spray and solder heat. Both axial leaded (CY10, CY15, CY20, CY30, CYFR10, CYFR15, CYFR20, CYFR30, CYR10, CYR15, CYR20 and CYR30 series) and radial leaded (CY06, CY07, CY08, CYR51, CYR52 and CYR53 series) provide outstanding performance and can be found at Standard Radio. (For a complete list of Glass Capacitor Series see Table 1) If you thought that you could no longer acquire this style of capacitor, think again and then contact us.                                                                

Series Lead Type Description
CY10, CY15, CY20, CY30 Axial QPL to MIL-C-11272
CY06, CY07, CY08 Radial QPL to MIL-C-11272
CYFR10, CYFR15, CYFR20, CYFR30 Axial High Reliability
CYR10, CYR15, CYR20, CYR30 Axial QPL to MIL-C-23269
CYR51, CYR52, CYR53 Radial QPL to MIL-C-23269



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