
Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I buy from Standard Radio?

Lowest Prices
We've been a leader in the industry since 1948. This has allowed us to build valuable relationships and connections with our manufacturing sources to ensure the products you're buying are at the lowest prices - guaranteed.
Brand Names and Quality you Trust
We carry items from all the prominent manufacturers in the industry: Amphenol, AVX, Cooper Bussmann, Littelfuse, HellermannTyton, just to name a few. We buy from the brands that have demonstrated reliability, durability and top performance in the field. Our storage facilities contain over 135,000 square feet of space, allowing us to keep inventory levels high enough to better serve your electronic component needs.
Fastest Delivery
Once you submit an RFQ through our website, it is immediately sent to our sales force, who between the hours of 9:00AM and 5:00PM EST can provide you with a quote in minutes. Most orders that are placed before Noon EST are shipped the same day.
Experienced Staff
Our sales staff averages over 15 years of experience in working with and selling electronic components. That means when you contact us for a quote, you'll be talking to people who can answers questions about the parts you need to buy, as well as offer alternate solutions on discounted items - saving you money.

How can I find out if you have the part I need in stock?

You can search by part number on our website or you can contact our sales department by phone, fax or email.

Can you get me the part I need if you don’t have it in stock?

Yes we are franchised and buy direct from the factory for over 40 different product lines. If you provide us with the information we will get you the quote.

Do I need a part number to get the part I need?

No it is not necessary but certainly helpful. Our experienced sales force can take an accurate description for most components and provide you with a quote.

Who buys components from Standard Radio?

Our customer base is diversified. We sell to original equipment manufactures and contract manufacturers of all sizes, government agencies, educational institutions, retail stores as well as other distributors to name just a few.

Do you have a PO minimum?

Yes, our PO minimum is $100.

Do you really have stock?

Yes we have warehouse facilities in both New York and South Carolina and have hundreds of thousands of line items in stock and can in most cases ship the same day.

What is your return policy?

Click here to view our Return Policy.

What is your privacy policy?

We collect personal information such as your name, phone number, address and email address. This information is gathered via secure and encrypted connection using SSL protocol. We use this information ONLY to fulfill your order. We do not sell information gathered on this site to other companies or send unsolicited e-mails to customers.