


A32685-16 is in our stock. As of 3/15/2025 we have 37 pieces on hand ready for same day shipping.

To obtain current pricing, please fill the Quote Request form below or call us at (631) 234-3330.

Picture of A32685-16

A32685-16 Availability

Part NumberManufacturerDate CodeIn StockSKU
A32685-16 NIDEC N/A 23 1930001375
TA450DC NIDEC N/A 6 1930001126
A31257-16A NIDEC N/A 5 1930001361
B31256-10A NIDEC N/A 2 1930001360
A31256-56A NIDEC N/A 1 1930000482
TA450DC NIDEC N/A 0 1930000558
TA450DC TORIN N/A 0 1930000559
TA450DC NIDEC N/A 0 1930001271
B31257-16A NIDEC N/A 0 1930001370

Request Quote for A32685-16

Part Number


Quantityexample: 500
Your Offerexample: 1.25

A32685-16 Specifications

Type24V 0.28A, 3 BLADES

A32685-16 Alternate Numbers

Part NumberAlternate
A32685-16 TA450DC
A32685-16 B31257-16A
A32685-16 MODEL B31257-16A